• Mohammed Yacoob Vawda opened a criminal case against Independent Media’s Iqbal Survé and his senior editors
  • The UKZN lecturer reportedly laid charges of crimen injuria, incitement to cause harm, and violating cybercrime laws against the group
  • Vadwa's actions came after he was mistakenly named the person behind the infamous Goolammv X profile

Zingisa Chirwa is an experienced Briefly News journalist based in Johannesburg, South Africa, who has covered current affairs on the radio for over 15 years.

After filing an R1.2 million civil suit against Independent Media’s Iqbal Survé and his senior editors, Mohammed Yacoob Vawda opened a criminal case against the group.

Mistaken identity

The University of KwaZulu-Natal lecturer told News24 that he laid charges of crimen injuria, incitement to cause harm, and violating cybercrime laws at the Sandton police station.

The criminal complaint was linked to an alleged name mix-up on 15 July 2024, when Independent Media named Vadwa as the person behind the infamous @Goolammv profile on X. Two days after the announcement, the media house backtracked and said a technical glitch resulted in the wrong profile being shared and that the actual name behind the profile was Mohammed Sulieman Vawda.

Gauteng police reportedly confirmed that a case was opened and said the docket would be transferred to the Cape Town Central police station.

Netizens share their views

Social media shared their varying opinions on the matter.

@gavinclynick said:

“Narcissist Surve to blame. Not his obeying staff.”

@St0nGh0st thought:

"Add a defamation suit, that was just reckless in the name of clout."

@YamiakaJones commented:

"Somethings going on in this media cohorts....white media hates to be exposed."

@saintomari stated:

"Thank you."

@Ngungunyane5 said:

"As journalists, shouldn't you have done what Surve has done already? We wanted to know who was behind that Goolam account because he had govt inside information."

Social media commentator takes legal action against Police

Briefly News previously reported that Sphithiphithi Evaluator sued then Police Minister Bheki Cele for R10 million.

The social media commentator claimed that she was unlawfully arrested and defamation during the 2021 insurrection.

The case was reportedly dismissed for lack of evidence.

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